Your Dog Will Be Thanking You For These Wonderful Canine Training Ideas
You’d like to keep your pet dog indoors, however you can’t deal with all of your belongings being ruined. If your dog chews furniture and cannot be left alone, you need to train it properly. You will see from this article how to have a dog that can live indoors without such things happening.
Timing is critical during training your dog, and you must spend sufficient time on training without doing too much. Start small and build up a bit daily. Observe when your dog starts to stop paying attention during the session.
Do not tie up your dogs too closely. The dogs could get wrapped up and they may be injured. For example, a large dog could tangle the chain with a smaller dog, wrapping the chain around the neck of the small dog, causing it to die.
When training, find a verbal clue your pet can understand so they will know exactly when to do as you say. Words like “yes” could be an effective way of communicating to your dog that he has done something you are pleased about.
Stay with the training, so that he doesn’t forget the lessons that he learned. Keep him in practice. Many owners believe that once training is over, the dog will be set for life. Some dogs will revert back to negative behaviors if the training does not continue. This is why on-going training is important.
As you progress with your dog’s training, you should begin to give it more and more freedom. You will find your dog to be more obedient and your dog will be happier. Just make sure your dog is properly trained before giving him so much slack.
If your dog is jumping on you, grab his paws with your hands and gently squeeze them to deter his behavior. This will not harm your dog if done gently, but it will be uncomfortable. After a while, they’ll stop jumping due to this uncomfortable feeling.
When training your dog make sure you always get his attention in the same manner. Begin each command by using his name. Once you call his name and have his attention, begin getting him to do what you would like. Dogs often respond to their name immediately and know you intend for them to pay attention.
Praise is just as important as rewards when you are training your dog. Be positive, excited and provide treats. Do not reward bad behavior; instead correct unwanted behaviors and praise when your dog responds correctly.
Know about what kind of grooming your dog may need. Certain breeds may require lots of weekly grooming; however, others may need very little or no grooming. Grooming keeps your dog happy and clean, and greatly reduces the risk of disease.
Don’t ever reward destructive or bad behavior. This is sure to send the message that the dog has free reign and can control you. Do not ever reward bad beahvior.
Is your pet dog eating healthy? A dog who is not eating a healthy diet is much more prone to hyperactivity, bad behavior and aggressiveness. You might be surprised by how dramatically a change in diet can affect your dog’s behavior. Ask the vet about additional nutritional requirements the dog may have.
It might be hard to make your dog an inside dog. No longer should you have to suffer with chewed shoes and scratches on the furniture. If you follow through with the guidelines you’ve just read, you can train your family pet to become a more suitable companion for indoors, outdoors or both.
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