Your Dog Depends On You To Know What To Do
A well-trained dog makes both you and your pet happy. Your dog will be more predictable when he is trained in the right way. With a dog who has been trained, you can be confident about leaving him at home without supervision, having guests in your home and taking him along with you in public places. Although it may not be easy, the time you devote to teaching your dog manners, tricks, and the proper way to do things will be well spent.
Have frequent or as necessary mini-training sessions to reinforce and keep the rules fresh in your dog’s mind. A lot of owners will train their dogs once and not conduct any refreshers. Dogs forget things just like humans do; however, and the dog will lose discipline without practice. For this reason, it is essential to make sure that your dog adheres to a clear-cut set of rules.
Anytime your dog does something good, make sure you reward him. They have to know that doing the right thing brings a happy ending. Rewarding good behavior and not bad behavior will help your dog to learn the difference between the two.
Teaching your dog to not tug and pull when on his leash is an important part of his training. Not only is this safer for the dog and easier on your body, such a frequent activity mandates good self-control and reinforcement of the chain of command from training.
It is important to avoid dwelling on one task for too long. If you spend a lot of time on only one thing, your dog can get bored and frustrated. Limit the amount of time you train at first to less than 10 minutes.
In order to have a great dog, you need to learn control and firmness. That said, love should prevail and yelling should never occur. This will strengthen the relationship between you and your dog.
Changing your tone to reflect emotions is useful in getting the point across to your pet. You should have a different tone for commands, praises and corrections to help teach your dog the appropriate responses for each. Commands should be clearly stated in a firm tone. Corrections and reprimands must be spoken more firmly, while praise should be delivered in a natural tone.
Make sure you’re aware of any other dogs in the area when walking your dog. It’s not always the owner that is responsible for a dog being aggressive. If you notice an aggressive or antisocial dog, keep your dog away from it.
When training a dog to a leash it is important to keep the leash loose. When you take your dog out for a walk, he will want to explore. Your dog might pull on their leash. A good dog trainer will work to discourage this and teach the dog to walk with a bit of slack on the leash.
Spray bottles are the perfect deterrent for bad behavior. This method shows your dog that what they are doing is wrong. In no time you will have a well behaved pet of which you can be proud.
Short training sessions are the best idea. Spend about 15 minutes on a certain task with your dog. After each time you do some training, spend time horsing around with your dog, and let him know what a good boy he is.
Start your training by teaching the “down” command to your dog. This command helps them build upon other commands, or it can be used in emergency situations. “Down” is the perfect command to keep dogs out of danger.
Your dog should always be able to identify which behaviors are acceptable and which are not. You will need to have these rules enforced by everyone in your home. It can erase what you have accomplished.
Training your dog is mostly about being consistent with your pooch and setting the rules of your relationship. Once those are set, you’ll find you both enjoy your time together even more! Keep up with the things your dog has been taught during training. If you continue to keep up with training your dog you will curb any bad behaviors that have popped up. Once you have taught your dog how to behave, you will find there is very little you two can’t accomplish together.
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