Useful Tips For Successfully Training Your Dog
Bringing a new puppy home is a joyful experience. During the following weeks, your joy can be lost in frustration. When you’re cleaning up piles of poop, you may regret your decision. But, training your dog to properly behave can return positive feelings. The article below will teach you how.
Do not tie a dog up near another dog, or dogs. The chain of one dog could become wrapped around the other and, as the dogs struggle to free themselves, one or both could be injured. If one dog happens to be much larger than the other, the small dog could get tangled to the point that it could choke to death.
Always be ready with dog treats. Giving a treat is how you show your dog that you appreciate the behavior. Doing so leaves no question as to whether a behavior is considered acceptable or strictly forbidden.
You must teach your dog how to walk correctly when the leash is attached. This helps keep both you and your dog safe when going on walks.
Let your dog get a minimum of an hour of exercise every day, and do this in addition to standard breaks outside for potty and training. By allowing your dog ample play time, he will be more willing to pay attention during training time. If your pet can exercise regularly and be active, he will be far more happy and responsive.
Training your dog requires you to be firm and authoritative. However, you should avoid being too loud or aggressively reprimanding your dog as this will hurt your relationship. Your goal should be to show that you are both strict and forgiving. This will help develop a strong bond during your training session.
Try to teach your dog good habits right away. The sooner you start training the dog the better, because they have not learned bad habits that you will have to correct. To avoid begging at the table, avoid giving the dog food off the table to begin with.
Varying your vocal tones to suit different purposes can be helpful in dog training. Your commands should be said in the same tone and volume time and time again. Commands must be sharp and firm, corrections should be loud and praise should be given in a natural tone.
To keep your dog from biting at furniture or people, or scratching at doors, spray him or her with a bottle of water. This helps show him that you will not tolerate certain behaviors. As your dog learns the behavior is unwanted, he will begin to avoid doing the bad behavior.
Is your pet dog eating healthy? Dogs are like children in the sense that bad diets lead to them acting bratty and hyperactive. Think about changing up your pet’s diet to give them the nutrients they need. Talk to your vet to learn the nutritional needs of your dog.
Have some patience when dealing with your dog. Your dog does not understand English, nor is he a person. He’ll learn in time, but only with consistent reinforcement. You need to stay calm and just stop training if you seem to be getting frustrated.
Do you notice your dog often pulling on his leash? This is probably the most common complaint of dog owners, but it is fairly easy to remedy. Go to the pet store in your town and get a harness so that you can walk with greater ease.
Your dog is relying on you to signal when he is right and wrong. If you show your pet amusement when he does something good, he will most likely repeat it. This will set back your training schedule and lead to frustration on your end. Even when it is amusing, you have to correct your dog, not reward him with laughter.
Training means lots of love, patience and plenty of treats. Using the above advice will have you and your dog loving one another for many years. It will take some time, but having consistent training will make a happier home environment for you both.
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