Training Your Dog To Have The Perfect Pet
If you have no clue where to start, take heart — you have already made a start by reading this article. You have come to the right place for information on how to train your dog.
Correct your dog verbally with short, sharp statements. Do not drag on in a rant to your dog about how bad they are. Simply address the issue and move on. Also make sure that the volume of your voice commands their attention and lets them know that you mean business.
Chew Toys
Always give your puppy plenty of toys to chew on to help with teething pain. Otherwise, you might find your shoes becoming chew toys. You should replace the object with a chew toy as soon as this occurs so your dog understands what is okay to chew on. Chew toys are essential for puppies who are experiencing pain from teething. A great alternative is a frozen wash cloth.
Dogs tend to concentrate on one thing to the exclusion of everything else unless that concentration is interrupted. If you get your dog to focus on you, it will help his behavior.
Crate training requires extreme consistency. When letting your dog out of the crate, be sure to immediately allow your dog to relieve himself. Eventually, they will wait until it’s the right time to go to the bathroom.
One of the first commands you need to teach your dog is how to step away from things you do not want him to touch. This simple command is beneficial in making him stop on chewing furniture inside the house.
When training your dog, keep track of time during each session. A long, uninterrupted training period is going to exhaust your dog’s attention. Only spend 10 minutes during the first couple of sessions.
Primary reinforcement is critical to training your dog. This method involves giving your dog something they enjoy when they are well behaved. This can be in the form of treats or something that your dog loves to do. Then your dog can learn the way to get what he wants.
Your dog needs to learn what the word “no” means. Training must be a positive experience for your dog. Saying the word “no” will not aid in the training of your dog. Each situation should be treated individually, and tailored to each dog.
Use this information to accelerate your own canine training efforts. Obtaining a good base of knowledge is the best way to approach the training process, especially is you have no experience in this field.
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