Training Your Dog Has Never Been This Easy Before!
If you have never trained a dog before and are just getting to know your dog, expect some frustration. Go over this article to learn more about puppy training and how to establish a bond with your pet.
It takes a while for a dog to get comfortable in a crate. Don’t take it too fast; introduce the dog at his own pace. Once they have grown accustomed to being in the crate with the gate open, try closing the gate and feeding them small treats through the crate. Start off only putting them inside for 10 seconds, and when they seem okay with that, slowly increase the time they are inside. If your puppy starts acting distressed about going into the create, you need to slow things down.
Use a controlled and calm behavior when rewarding your dog for good behavior. If your dog is responding to your commands and is not overly excited, give him a treat. You might be happy about the progress your dog has made but you need to quell your excitment. Be calm, expect calm, then reward appropriately.
One command that should be taught early to a puppy is “leave it.” This teaches them to drop something and step way from it. You can use this command for a number of purposes. For example, it is used to prevent the dog from chewing on something or even to guide them out of harm’s way.
Training Sessions
Training sessions should be very short. Dogs don’t have long attention spans so keeping training short and concise keeps it from becoming something that they dread. If you do have long training sessions, break it up so your dog can rest a little bit.
Effective canine training requires a level firmness. You should not be extremely strict or loving all the time. Find a balance on gentle firmness to use with your dog. This way, you can have a great relationship with the dog.
A good way to reduce the level of barking come from your dog, is to immerse them in their barking triggers so that they get used to them. It may be as simple as a sound or being in close proximity to other animals. Your dog will know the difference and will understand that there’s no reason to bark when presented these situations.
Use your dog’s name often to ensure you have its attention. Early in your dog ownership, you should use your dog’s name several times a day, so he starts to understand that you want his attention. The best dog names are ones that are short and are different from other commands.
Understand that your every action is teaching your dog and shaping his personality. It is essential to know this because you might inadvertently undo desired behaviors by teasing or engaging your dog in horseplay. You want to really mold your pet by working towards a desired behavior.
A well trained dog is calmer and happier, and an obedient dog is a satisfying pet for you and your entire family. Use the above advice to see how easy training your dog is.
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