Train Your Dog With Care And Consistency
Every dog needs to be trained. This article will discuss many tips and techniques to get your puppy trained.
When crate training your new puppy, take it in small manageable steps so the animal can become accustomed to the changes easily. Once he is comfortable walking in and out of the crate, try quietly closing the door and offering him a biscuit through the wires. In the beginning it is important to only leave the dog in the crate for a few seconds. After a while you will be able to leave them in the crate for longer amounts of time. If they become upset, you are moving too fast.
When house training a dog, keep in mind that whatever they take in, they must eventually eliminate. You can promote consistency and regularity by feeding your pet on a firm schedule two or three times daily with only the highest quality of food. By scheduling your feedings, you will be able to determine when you should take your dog out. This can greatly reduce the number of accidents.
Patience is key in dog training. This will cause you not to be frustrated and angry with your dog during this process. It takes time for your dog to learn what is expected from him. Understand that your dog wants your approval and is doing his best to earn it.
As soon as you get your puppy, the first thing to teach him/her is their name; this will help build a bond between animal and human. Call him by name frequently, and teach him to come when called. These are the initial words your puppy must learn. Spend lots of time with your dog, so it gets to know you and understands that you are to be trusted. A puppy that trusts you will respond better your training.
Toilet training is as much your responsibility as theirs. Learn to know the things your pet does when it needs to go. It’s common for them to snuffle, wise and pace when they have to go. Don’t delay; bring them outside. Head outdoors to the assigned potty spot right away. Give him praise for his behavior. Over time, he will be able to signal to you his need to relieve himself.
Training your dog requires you to be firm and authoritative. However, that doesn’t mean yelling at your dog. Be loving while maintaining your authority. This will help develop a strong bond during your training session.
Be sure to provide consistency when it comes to your dog’s training. If there are several trainers, ensure that they are all being consistent with rewards and commands. Dogs will learn better and faster if they have a set commands that they need to follow.
When you discipline your dog, your tone is an important factor. Dogs are often closely attuned to a trainer’s mindset and feelings. An adequate stern tone can help reinforce their discipline.
Accidents are a part of training your puppy to go potty outside. It’s important to immediately clean up the accident to make your training more effective. If the accident is left behind, the smell will make your pet think it’s okay to eliminate in that spot. It will be difficult to discourage his eliminating in that spot once a habit is formed. A pet shop in your area will carry products specifically for this problem.
With consistency, you can train your dog to hold on longer. When at home, keep your dog close and let him outside each hour. When he does his toilet outside, remember to praise him. Never react harshly to your dog going potty inside. He is not yet aware that this is wrong and he is going to learn if you just yell at him. Take the dog for a walk approximately 15 minutes following a meal or a drink and each time it comes out of the crate.
A dog who is not trained can be very destructive and is often confused and unhappy. These tips should be helpful with teaching your dog to be a well-behaved member of your household.
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