Simple Puppy Training Tips For Any Dog Lover
If you have a well behaved dog, good for you. If not, you may be in need of dog training. By following the tips presented here, you can help your dog become a satisfying and enjoyable pet.
Crate training your new puppy is most effective when you take small steps. Once they have grown accustomed to being in the crate with the gate open, try closing the gate and feeding them small treats through the crate. Start off small, like 10 seconds at a time, and slowly move up the times. If they get upset, it’s too fast.
Make sure that you use a gradual process when training your dog. Start with a quick session initially, adding time with successive training periods. Know when your dog does not pay attention when you are training it.
Establish feeding habits for your dog. A predictable feeding schedule and removing the food promptly will teach them to eat their food quickly. This will ensure he eats it all quickly instead of doddling or grazing all day.
Your dog should know when calm time is to be had. Play time is great, but your dog needs to learn to stay calm as his master enters the room. Try not to acknowledge your pet when you set foot into rooms, and this can imbue calm environments most of the time, since your dog will wait for you to start play time.
Your dog needs to be active frequently. Dogs can get bored very easily. A bored dog is very difficult to train. Your dog will be more relaxed and willing to listen if he is exercised frequently. Lead your dog on the path to fitness by walking or jogging every day.
Training a dog to go outside to pee means remembering that they’ll have to go after ingesting food or water. To keep your pet regular, feed him quality food a couple of times daily at the same hour. Doing this will provide you with some idea of when you should let your puppy go outside to use the restroom. This will decrease the risk of any accidents.
When approaching a dog you’ve never met, approach them slowly and offer them the back of a hand to smell. This will give the dog time learn your scent and possibly trust you. Once the dog recognizes your scent, he will not be afraid of you and will be more likely to follow your commands.
Although your dog may be very unruly, do not despair. Patience and information are all that are required to train that dog. Make use of the tips you just read to minimize the hardship involved in training your dog while maximizing the results at the same time.
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