Puppy Training Tips And Tricks For Beginners
You’ll always remember the day your puppy came home with you. The following weeks can be frustrating. When you’re cleaning up piles of poop, you may regret your decision. You can relive the happiness you had when you first taught your new puppy to behave. The below article will provide some excellent dog training tips so that you can enjoy the time spent with your furry companion.
Proper and generous rewards are critical to dog training. You must always provide treats in a wise and timely fashion. Your dog does not know why they are getting the reward unless you do it right after the positive behavior.
Always reward good, calm behavior. When your dog responds to a command in the right way, you should reward this behavior when he is calm. If you are overly excited, the dog will become that way too. Stay calm and the dog will stay calm, and you’ll be able to reward it.
Teaching a dog how to roll over isn’t too hard with a few treats in your hand. The first step is to teach your dog to lay. Then hold one treat near his head and near the floor. Pull the treat over the dog until your hand is on the other side. He’ll follow your hand and roll over completely. Whenever you dog does roll over, actually say the words, “roll over.” Continue to do this until your dog actually rolls over whenever you say the words without using the treat. It will probably take multiple attempts, but you will be the talk of the town when the trick is learned.
As the dog gets better at training, you can let it have more freedom. The key to a satisfying life for your dog is a balance of freedom and obedience. Don’t give your dog too much free reign though.
Give your dog a regular elimination and feeding schedule, so you can house train them. This gives you important forehand knowledge to prevent accidents and your dog an association of cause and effect to follow. This helps your puppy learn to “hold it” for a bit, until he knows it’s time to go out and will help save you money on carpet cleaning.
Begin your puppy training session with something that your dog will be able to learn easily. You will both get instant gratification and establish a good foundation which you and your dog can build on. This helps you get better results.
The first step in your puppy training would be to teach him his name. This will create a nice bond between the two of you. Use his name as often as possible, and help him learn to come when you call him by it. This should be the first thing you teach your puppy. Spend plenty of quality time with them, so that they know that they can trust you. Over time, the puppy will be able to learn more advanced training.
In order to train your dog, you’ll need love, patience and plenty of treats. You should have found some great hints and tips from this article that showed you how to have a friend in your pet for life. Your dog won’t be trained overnight, but with patience and persistence, you will have a trained dog before you know it.
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