Make Your Dog The Neighborhood’s Favorite Pet!
Training a new puppy can be overwhelming. However, puppy training is important not only for your pet’s safety, but for other people’s safety as well as your property’s safety. You must use positive training techniques; it’s best for you and your pup. It is imperative that you are very patient and practice consistency. Set aside about twenty to thirty minutes each day. This is the amount in which they’re most receptive. Any longer could cause them to become bored.
Correcting a dog should be done quickly and concisely. Do not rant on at length to your dog telling them how they were bad. Just tell them no, and point them in the desired direction. Be sure your command tone of voice gets their attention and shows that you’re serious.
Proper and generous rewards are critical to canine training. Quantity and timing are important when it comes to rewards. Make sure to give your dog the treats at the proper time, to encourage good behavior.
Reinforce calm behavior upon your arrival. It’s always great to to be playful and upbeat, but a calm environment is ideal when you first enter a room. Try to ignore your dog when your first enter the room because this will help to keep them calm and reinforce that you are in control.
When using a crate to train your dog, you’ll want to make sure that you select the right size. Puppies grow up quickly. Select a crate that is large enough for them to fit in when they are older. The dog will need sufficient room to rest and turn around without feeling cramped.
Pick a phrase you will say to your new puppy the whole time you are working on house training him. When you take your dog out, repeat this command. This will help him form an association between being taken outside and doing his business.
You can use a spray bottle filled with water as a mild aversive to prevent inappropriate chewing. Then your dog learns some things aren’t ok. In short order, the dog is sure to cease such behavior, and assume the role of fun, yet obedient animal.
A useful tip for canine training is to avoid rewarding the dog for bad behavior. This will give your dog the wrong mindset during the training session. For example, this occurs when you give a dog a treat every time it makes loud noises.
It’s important that your dog enjoy training and look forward to training sessions. Be aware of your dog’s personality and conform training to fit his cycles; try limiting learning sessions to a few minutes at a time. Keep your rewards coming and vary what you give them. Praising your dog is the best way to ensure continued obedience. Making training fun makes listening fun, too!
Make sure you pay attention to the limitations of older dogs. An older dog will never be able to be trained perfectly. They all have little quirks that you should learn to embrace! They’ll already have habits in place you might not like. Teaching them some new things might be possible, but it’s easier to eliminate the biggest negatives while leaving the rest of them alone.
You will be less overwhelmed if you follow the tips provided here. This will help make your home, your pet and other people around you much safer. Combined with patience and diligence, the advice presented in this article can go a long way in training your pet successfully for life.
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