How To Train Your New Puppy The Right Way
A new puppy brings a lot of excitement and frustration into your life. However, dog obedience training is crucial for the safety of your pet, your home, your property and other people. It is important that you use only positive training methods. On top of that, you have to stay patient and consistent. Plan on spending at least 20 or 30 minutes a day training your puppy, because it will not be receptive for a longer period of time. Beyond that point, your pet may become very bored.
Crate train your puppy in small steps, so that the training is most effective. If your dog seems comfortable inside the crate when the door is open, shut it and feed them a treat. Use small increments of time, and build them up as your puppy or dog becomes more relaxed with the process. Freaking out your dog is a sign that you need to slow down.
A dog will obsess about one thing until you divert its attention. After you do this enough times, it will become easier for you to get your dog’s attention. The dog will look for your signals.
Treats are necessary when teaching a dog fancy tricks like rolling over. Start by getting the dog to lay down. The next step is to palm the treat and hold your hand beside your dog’s head. Slowly raise the treat over your dog’s head to the opposite side. He will naturally use his nose to follow the treat, thus rolling over his whole body. Say “roll over” as he performs the action so that he’ll learn the command. Be patient if they don’t get it right away; they’ll get it soon enough!
When training your dog, make sure to have fun with him too. By playing games with your dog, a strong bond will develop between the two of you, which helps the dog respond in a positive manner during training. While training can be considered fun, be prepared to spend some time just playing as well.
Firm, direct commands are the best approach to take when training your dog. You should not be extremely strict or loving all the time. Find a balance on gentle firmness to use with your dog. Maintaining a proper balance ensures that the relationship between you and your dog is strong.
Teach your dog not to bark with a simple command. If your dog barks, repeat the order, offer a treat when they stop barking and pet them to show you are satisfied. Give them a treat. By repeating this, the dog learns that silence brings treats.
Use the dog’s name as much as you can to make sure it pays attention. Do this consistently during the first several weeks to get your dog to pay attention to you. It’s best to stick with shorter names, one’s that are distinguishable from other words.
When training a dog it is important to teach him good habits from the start. It is easier to instill good habits than it is to deal with bad ones. Giving your dog scraps from the table is just training the dog that begging gets results, so don’t do it!
Implement the tips you’ve just read, and canine training will come naturally to you. Your whole life will change as a result. Using the tips and tricks offered above can make the harrowing task of training your dog a whole lot easier, especially if you are patient and consistent.
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