Having A Dog That Listens Is Important
Training your dog is part of responsible ownership. Proper training includes behavioral and obedience instruction, as well as socialization, all of which enable your pooch to interact safely and appropriately with other people and animals. This article contains tips that will help you make sure that your dog is properly trained.
If you want to train your dog, it helps if you can think like a dog. It is easy to get frustrated with your dog if they are not learning very basic things quickly or at all. Rather than giving up completely, you should try seeing things from your dogs perspective. You should think about how your dog might see things in the world.
Decide on a single phrase to use when housebreaking your new puppy. By using a dedicated expression to handle training commands, you can make it easier for your pet to focus and make connections. Although it sounds silly to repeat something like “poopie time!” over and over, the consistency will help your dog make the right link between being taken outside and relieving himself.
Always have a treat for rewarding your dog. Giving a treat is how you show your dog that you appreciate the behavior. You need to do this because your dog must know what they can and cannot do.
Dog training starts with patience. This reduces frustration and annoyance when canine training. Your dog wants to make you happy, but sometimes it just does not understand you.
When a dog jumps up on you, grab its paws with your hand and lightly squeeze to let them know that it is unacceptable behavior. As long as you gently squeeze their paws, you won’t cause harm to your dog. Instead, you’ll just give them an comfortable feeling. After a while, they will stop jumping on people because they will associate it with the uncomfortable feeling.
Remember not to reward your dog for bad behavior when they do something negative. This method will only result in the dog learning to do what it pleases. For example, you should avoid offering a treat to the animal to stop it from barking.
When it comes to training your dog, never give up. Frequent reinforcement is the only way to help your pet maintain new behaviors and actions. Training never ends. It is an important part of taking care of your dog.
Training sessions should be kept short. Training for more than fifteen minutes at a time could leave both you and your dog tired and frustrated. End each session by praising your dog.
Hopefully these tips gave you the information you can use to have a more enjoyable relationship with your dog. You will enjoy the time you spend with your dog more if he is properly trained. So whether you train your dog or hire a professional to do the work, life with your pal will be a much more rewarding experience.
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