Fast Tips To Get Your Dog On His Best Behavior!
Remember that your dog has the intellect of an animal. You will be disappointed if you expect too much from your dog. You will need to know how to treat your dog in the right manner so you can do some training.
Your dog will get used to its crate if it can feel at home in it. To help your puppy feel at home, place your puppy’s food dish inside the crate. This will give your dog a positive association with the crate.
Crates should feel like a safe place to puppies. So, you should never use them as a way to discipline your dog. Dogs may need to be familiarized with the crate to feel comfortable and secure in it. There are many tricks that you can try to make it easier for both of you. If your puppy seems reluctant about entering the crate, place a chew toy inside and close the door to the kennel. They will want to get to the bone, which means going into the crate. When he finally goes into the crate to retrieve the toy, shower the dog with praise.
Feed your dog a healthy diet. A poor diet is bad for your dog on several levels. Without proper nutrition, your dog’s general health will suffer and there may also be direct effects on behavior. Making sure your dog’s nutritional needs are met helps give them the focus that they need to be able to learn.
If you have a focal point for your dog to pay attention to, he will ignore all other distractions he would normally be tempted to watch. With frequent practice, your dog will begin to focus on you and the signals you are giving him instead of other distractions.
When potty training your pup, remember that whatever he eats must come out. Feed your pooch several times daily at the same hour. That way, you will know when the dog likely needs to go out and can prevent accidents.
Never reinforce your dog’s bad behaviors. Don’t give praise or treats to your dog if it does something wrong. For example, do not pet your dog gently when they leap on you if you want them to stop the behavior.
Training your dog to start rolling over is easy, but be sure to have some treats. First, place your dog in the “down” position. Next, hold the treat close to the floor on one side of the dog’s head, and slowly bringing it upwards and over to the dog’s other side. He should roll his body over while following the treat. When they roll over, yell “roll over.” Keep doing this until they do it just with the command. Be patient with him when you are teaching this because once he learns it, he can be quite the show-off amongst your friends.
After learning some helpful hints on how to get through to your dog and train it to behave to your expectations you simply need to follow what you have learned. After changing your dogs behavior to fit with the tips suggested you can properly train your dog.
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