A Few Ideas To Discourage Your Dog From Eating Poop.
You and your pet will enjoy a closer relationship after he is properly trained. Well-trained, social dogs are lots of fun to be around. If you want to have a better bond with your dog, keep reading.
Whenever you have to correct your dog, make sure to speak using short and sharp language. Yelling and screaming at your dog is counterproductive. Say no and let them know what you would rather have them do. Your tone should be stern to let them know you are serious.
Always ensure your dog is getting enough exercise. Dogs can become bored easily. Dogs with no enthusiasm will be harder to train than active dogs. When your dog is happy and well-exercised, he will be more willing to pay attention to his training. Go on runs or long walks together.
Crate training requires extreme consistency. Shortly after you allow your puppy to exit the crate, he must be given the chance to relieve himself in the designated area. Over time, the puppy will learn to wait until he is in this location.
Choose the right dog crate size if you wish to utilize the crate effectively to train him. Puppies will get bigger. Choose a crate that your puppy can grow in, but won’t grow out of. There should be ample room for the dog to lie down and turn comfortably.
Establish a verbal cue to let your dog know when a command has been carried out to your satisfaction. The word “yes” can be the bridge between rewards and good behavior.
Every time you speak a command, it should be with the same tone and loudness level. The tone should be firm, so your dog understands that you are issuing a command, not a suggestion. It also helps the dog to understand the difference between a sharp tone for discipline and a sharp but non-punishing command.
Anytime your dog does something good, make sure you reward him. After all, the point of rewarding him is to show him that he is following good behavior. You need to do this because your dog must know what they can and cannot do.
Teaching a new puppy to “leave it” is very important and one of the first commands that you should work on. It ensures they don’t eat food they shouldn’t, chew on items not intended to be chewed on or even pick up dangerous or poisonous items in their mouth.
People don’t realize how easy it is to actually train a dog. By using the above tips and improving our behavior as well, a dog’s behavior can drastically improve.
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